The warning was there. But they did not heed it.
Dunwich, Suffolk, 1615. The King’s Men are performing a tale of witchcraft and ambition, murder and death. Firm friends Priscilla, Elizabeth and Aubrey, fourteen years old, watch in excitement and horror as the story unfolds. That day never leaves them.
Thirty years later they are seized, accused of witchcraft by the same man who will stop at nothing to destroy them. As Dunwich crumbles into the sea, and with their friendship damaged by betrayal and lies, they face the hangman’s noose. How will they survive?
History has left us their confessions. This is the story of their lives.
A stranger-than-fiction story about wild accusations, again based on real events.
Available in Paperback and on Kindle
Inspiration for ‘We Three‘
The confessions of Priscilla Collit and Elizabeth Southerne were amongst the most strange I came across in my research, and, given that they were from women who lived in Dunwich, a town already sliding into the sea in the C17th, I had to investigate further.
I then found a pamphlet describing the confession of Aubrey Grinsett, and realised that all three women were accused by the same man.
The idea of them knowing each other took hold and so ‘We Three’ was born.

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